colourful november news
well, this is exciting!
here's the fun stuff: magical new bookmark set, author photos, great books, a road trip, and a happy mail update!!
are the quidditch cup: two new bookmarks in the halthegal etsy shoppe!!
by popular request, i finally did the thing you've all been asking for: bookmarks featuring my harry potter, ron, hermione, and luna lovegood faerie tale feet paintings!
they're double*sided, and you get both bookmarks for just $9.95 with FREE domestic shipping! perfect for stuffing stockings, sending happy mail to your bestie, or just for your own happy reading corner!
click the button below, and happy magical reading to you!
shop the new bookmark set here!!
here's what you came for... my new [almost] author photos!!
last month, i had my first ever author photoshoot with emily barbee creative! i knew the perfect spot: "the gallery" upstairs at my local indie bookshop, mjudson books downtown greenville. and i had such a great time! i haven't seen them all yet, but the yellow chair picture above is the one i put on the back of my new author & illustrator business cards! (because just handing out my mini "faerietalefeet" cards was getting confusing when meeting people in the book world!)
& for spoiler*y reasons i can't tell you why this GREEN DOOR in the room almost made me cry... but there are definitely very important green doors in my book... ! eep!
i am at the point in my [almost] author journey in which i'm "querying:" sending my book out to agents to find someone to represent me and pitch my book to publishers... so it may be a while before you get to read it, but in the meantime, if you want the latest and greatest book news, my patreons are getting all the details along the way! :D
support me on my book journey here!
recent recommended reads:
here are the books i loved reading the most this past month!
the troubled girls of dragomir academy, by anne ursu. it's a middle grade/young readers fantasy and possibly my favorite book of the year. i loved the magic and adventure and the twists and it was just perfect.
the next great jane, by k.l. going. another perfect middle grade read, an aspiring young author in maine gets to meet a real-life romance author who moves into the abandoned mansion in her small town. there's science and family and drama and friendship and i loved it.
beasts and beauty, by soman chainani. retellings of faerie tales than are as original as if they were the original tales. it's shelved as adult fiction in europe, and ages 10+ in the states: so it's a bit gory and has some grown-up*ish content that might go over kids' heads, but it was a beautiful physical book and inspired all of my inktober pieces for the year! (find them in my highlight reel on instagram)
before and after the book deal, by courtney maum. basically all of the advice i've gathered from 2 years of obsessively listening to publishing and author podcasts all in one place. :)
shop these titles and support independent booksellers on my recommended reading page!
currently reading:
once upon a broken heart, by stephanie garber. i'm calling this one "couture diagon alley." a romantic faerie tale with a villain who is giving me total howl's moving castle vibes & i'm into it!! (ya fantasy romance)
aru shah and the city of gold, by roshani chokshi. the fourth book in the pandava series, our unlikely, awkward hero has adventures with hindu gods & her troupe of sorta-friends. (middle grade fantasy)
and then i don't know because i'm going on a road trip and probably going to buy tooooooo many signed books.... [see below!!]
none of this is sponsored, just book*nerd me telling you about books i enjoyed! feel free to email me with suggestions or new books to review!
link to my monday morning weekly reading book reviews on instagram
get in, booknerds... we're going on a road trip!
i leave tomorrow morning for my first*time ever attending ya'll fest in charleston!
60+ authors (and a masked*up crowd of fellow book*obsessed fans like myself) shall enjoy the streets of the rainbow city. i'm traveling with my friend haley, so stay tuned to my #fangirl adventures (if i'm not blushing too hard meeting my favourite people to post) over on my instagram this weekend! eep!
quick patreon update!
your grateful november stickers have finally shipped from the printer's! i've got the envelopes addressed and the stickers are supposed to arrive monday, so i should have them out in the mail to you tuesday! (with your $5 coupons for your etsy shopping needs this gifting season, too!!)
& stay tuned for your next early item drop next week!
not a halthegal patreon yet? learn more by clicking on that link! i also have FIVE bonus stickers left (+ your other welcome goodies) if you join now! :D
to recap:
colourful, artsy, bookish goodies in my etsy shoppe! including two new potter bookmarks!!
which author preview pic was your fave?
book buying early at, helping support independent bookstores (and try for audio books!)
i'm traveling to ya'll fest this weekend and definitely still practicing my "i'm cool enough to meet you, famous author person" face.
halthegal patreons: your bonus happy mail & coupons are coming at you next week!
if you'd like to support my art and writing for a small monthly pledge, check out my patreon!
with peace, love, and many colourful reads to you,
*hallie :)