faerie tale feet gallery!
it's art for the reading home. it's a bit of happy colours, favourite stories, and lots of adventurous details. it's a way to expand your shoe collection without running out of closet space.
each piece of the faerie tale feet series is a handpainted gouache (opaque watercolour) or mixed-media painting that harkens back to the original source material, embellishing the little things that have made these heroines & adventurers who they actually are, & who they have become by the last page of the tome.
the backgrounds are full of icons from the original tales-- there always seems to be something more to see!
and why feet? you can tell a lot about a person by his or her posture. and you can tell a lot about a character by his or her shoes. i've painted just the feet in this series so that YOU can step into the bookish adventure for yourself.
learn more about each painting in the faerie tale feet collection! you’ll see the full research and painting process, and a break down of allllll of the story iconography i hid in that background pattern!
faerie tales
view the full gallery of faerie tale feet pieces inspired by favourite faerie tales from around the world.
childhood classics
explore the full gallery of faerie tale feet pieces inspired by favourite classic children's books.