i’m the doctor.
inspired by doctor who.
"i'm the doctor."
faerie tale feet piece inspired by 50+ years of british television. particularly no.10. ;)
so perhaps not a traditional faerie tale, but i believe fifty+ years of british television, film, radio, and numerous published short stories has made this time traveller worthy of an iconic faerie tale feet rendering.
have a look at the painting process below & then i'll tell you all the story icons i hid in the background!
once i watched EVERY episode available (though the matt smith years) and reading a few books along the way, i made sure to include story icons from all eleven doctors. here i'm creating the background pattern with the story icons i finally chose to represent all of the doctor’s incarnations.
here’s the final background pattern drawing– with the (tenth) doctor’s feet.
here i’m painting in the blue background with beautiful gouache around each and every icon shape… this step has to be done in once sitting for our best chance of an even layer of gouache colour. it took about 6 (+?) hours.
here you can see both background painting and all the story icons have been painted in. i always save painting the character’s feet for last so i can make sure they stand (! pun !) out from the background colours.
included story iconography:
seen in the final painting, of course, are the tenth doctor’s sneakers and pinstripe pants. but background icons that cross many of the doctors’ incarnations and timelines make their appearances: bowties are cool, for example. as well as the weeping angels, the beauteous tardis, the cybermen, rose (not my personal fave companion; but probably just jealous over here), the daleks, and the sonic screwdriver.
the original painting has SOLD, but contact me for faerie tale feet pieces still available for collecting! :)
“You want weapons? We’re in a library.
Books! Best weapons in the world.”
from the very creepy werewolf/queen victoria episode. but yay books! ;D