ink, tribal, and other names for tattoos....
do you have any tattoos?
i’ve been very tempted. (even before they were hipster*cool.)
first, i wanted a star on the bottom of my foot. (until i learned that it’d hurt like the dickens.)
then, i wanted a crown on my wrist. (faerie tales and other personal/spiritual significances. but then i heard that was a v. sensitive location as well and i wasn’t confident in the quality of line work i could get.)
then i was feeling confident enough to allow myself a pop*culture tattoo, and wanted the star wars rebel alliance logo. but i knew i needed to wait for episode nine to make sure they didn’t “ruin” it. (and by then, you could buy ANYthinG with the logo, so why me?) ;)
and my latest desire?
^ inside my left elbow. in some sort of [yet-to-be-determined-perfect] typewriter-esque font.
(and another spiritual line-art one on my right forearm.)
BUT: i’m still afraid of the pain. and the cost.
and, you know, the permanence.
a few months ago, someone reached out to me on instagram, asking if they could use my illustration of this baby gargoyle for a new tattoo.
um, sure? ;D
i’d drawn baby gargoyle grumley here after i’d read
THE LEGEND OF GREY HOLLOW by summer rachel short and created some character illustrations both for my portfolio and to share the process with my crayon box members.
(crayon box members later got a SHINY glitter sticker of grumley as january 2024’s exclusive happy mail sticker!!)
here’s how the tattoo turned out …
amazing, right?!
i’m honored, of course. and a wee bit jealous i’m not pain-tolerant/brave enough to have done it myself! ;)
so my TempORarY solution to my years of wanting my very own tattoo(s), my art or otherwise?
you guessed it: temporary tattoos.
and lo & behold, Sticker Mule makes temporary tattoos now! ;D
i’ve been “rehearsing” designs and preparing myself for such a commitment… and it’s a LOT less painful. (and, uh, sticker mule temporary tattoos are more affordable, and easier to hide from mom!) ;)
let me know if YOU have any tattoos, which one(s) you’re not brave enough to get yet, or WHAT kind of design you might make TemPorARy before you commit! ;D
wishing you and INK-tastic day!!
look ma! it didn’t hurt at all! ;D
get $10 off your first sticker mule order (tattoos or otherwise) by using this referral link! :D
link to the crayon box where you can get MonthLY sticker mail from me, illustration process posts & time-lapse videos, and an inside look at my publishing journey here:
link to test out your own sticker mule temporary tattoo designs (even in full-color—it’s like wearing a vERY HaPPY sticker right on your skin!!) here:
p.s. i recently read DRAGONFRUIT by makkia lucier, and like in disney’s MOANA, moveable, animated tattoos play a part in the plot and characters! i highly recommend the island-tastic, fantascy-accessible, on-the-seas/island read! :D (the author was also raised on guam where i was born! this book would make a great AAPI-heritage month read for you, too! and just look at that stunning cover!!